Everyone knows what the perfect Saturday looks like… it’s the first weekend of September, the days have just begun to cool down; there’s a crisp breeze blowing, and your lawn is still giving a big thumbs up to the weather. Nothing can stop you, UGG-clad, flannel-wearing lawn master! Except maybe one thing: You’ve just started the engine to what the Guinness Book of World records has estimated to be the world-title grass cannon. There’s no stopping it. The clippings will be everywhere… the fur of your boots, behind your kid’s ears, and all over the driveway and street.
Look, we’ve all shared the same struggle. We love doing what we do, but let’s be honest, it could be a little better right? That’s why Reel Rollers worked hard to develop the Grass Topper. This device fits the OEM grass bins for California Trimmer, McLane, and Tru Cut – in all sizes. It finally eliminates at least ONE of the challenges that reel mowing enthusiasts face when chasing the perfect Saturday. Take a look at the promotional video and have a laugh!
At the end of the day, it’s another tool you can store in the arsenal that makes you a smarter lawn guy or girl. Whether it’s Zoysia, Bermuda, Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass… the topper has you covered. Literally. It’ll even help you in those early Fall weeks when the leaves start coming down. The grass topper will help you lasso all that loose debris that you just don’t want cramping your style when your friends show up to watch the football game with you. Interested in learning more about Reel Rollers Grass Topper? Click on the product below.